Eurimages: Co-production Support
EURIMAGES supports fiction, animation and documentary feature films of a minimum length of 70 minutes.
The Fund aims to encourage co-productions between our member states.
There are three calls for projects per year. Deadlines can be consulted here. The Secretariat applies the eligibility criteria contained in the regulations and reports to the Executive Committee. Projects declared eligible by the Secretariat are then assessed by Co-production Working Groups comprised of independent external experts, selected via a call for expressions of interest. In making recommendations on the support to be granted, the Co-production Working Groups apply the selection criteria decided upon by the Board of Management and the Executive Committee and set out in Article 3 of the Co-Production Support regulations.
Eurimages support takes the form of soft loans or subsidies (co-production support) or subsidies (promotion of co-production and exhibition). Soft loans are repaid on the basis of revenues generated by the projects supported.
All projects submitted must have at least two co-producers from different member states of the Fund. For multilateral co-productions the participation of the majority co-producer must not exceed 70% of the total co-production budget and the participation of the minority co-producers must not be lower than 10%. For bilateral co-productions the participation of the majority co-producer must not exceed 80% of the total co-production budget and the participation of the minority co-producer must not be lower than 20%. For bilateral co-productions with a budget above €5 million, a majority participation of 90% of the total co-production budget is allowed. In the case of projects falling under the Council of Europe Convention on Cinematographic Co-production (revised), the co-production contributions set out in that Convention shall be applied.
To learn more about structuring your co-production under the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production or the revised Council of Europe Convention on Cinematographic Co-production, please refer to our special section.
Conseil de l'Europe
Bâtiment Agora
Allée des Droits de l'Homme
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex