Eurimages Board of Management
The Board of Management adopts the budget of the Fund and defines its policy and strategy. It determines the conditions under which financial support is to be awarded and adopts the list of independent external experts who may be called upon to recommend co-production and other projects for support. It meets at least once a year, either in person or online.
The Board of Management elects its President from amongst the personalities proposed by the member states. The President’s role is to represent the Fund on audiovisual policy matters, to chair meetings and to engage in an active dialogue with professionals of the film sector.
To prepare its decision-making, the Board sets up working and study groups, composed of a limited number of Board members. The Board decides upon the terms of reference of these groups, whose proposals or recommendations are submitted to the Executive Committee or to the Board. Currently four working groups, on Co-production Support, Cinemas Support, Promotion and Gender Equality & Diversity, meet three times a year to make proposals to the Executive Committee or Board.
For support decisions onwards, please see the Executive Committee page
- 164th meeting: support decisions
online meeting, December 2021 - 163rd meeting: support decisions
online meeting, June 2021 - 162nd meeting: support decisions
online meeting, March 2021 - 161st meeting: support decisions
online meeting, December 2020 - 160th meeting: support decisions
online meeting, October 2020 - 159th meeting: support decisions
online meeting, July 2020 - 158th meeting: support decisions
online meeting, May 2020 - 157th meeting: support decisions
Berlin, Germany - 9-12 December 2019 - 156th meeting: support decisions
Strasbourg, France - 13-18 October 2019 - 155th meeting: support decisions
Geneva, Switzerland - 24-28 June 2019 - 154th meeting: support decisions
Bucharest, Romania - 12-15 March 2019 - 153rd meeting: support decisions
Tbilisi, Georgia - 10-13 December 2018 - 152nd meeting: support decisions
Sofia, Bulgaria - 15-19 October 2018 - 151st meeting: support decisions
Montreal, Canada - 18-22 June 2018 - 150th meeting: support decisions
Yerevan, Armenia - 13-16 March 2018 - 149th meeting: support decisions
Venice, Italy - 12-15 December 2017 - 148th meeting: support decisions
Skopje, "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - 16-20 October 2017 - 147th meeting: support decisions
Bratislava, Slovak Republic - 19-23 June 2017 - 146th meeting: support decisions
Strasbourg, France - 7-10 March 2017 - 145th meeting: support decisions
Krakow, Poland - 12-15 December 2016 - 144th meeting: support decisions
Tallinn, Estonia - 17-21 October 2016 - 143rd meeting: support decisions
Amsterdam, Netherlands - 20-24 June 2016 - 142nd meeting: support decisions
Tirana, Albania - 8-11 March 2016
16 co-productions supported at the 156th Eurimages Board of Management meeting
16 co-productions supported at the 152nd Eurimages Board of Management meeting
30 co-productions supported at the 151st Eurimages Board of Management meeting
20 co-productions supported at the 150th Eurimages Board of Management meeting
20 co-productions supported at the 149th Eurimages Board of Mangement meeting
27 co-productions supported at the 147th Eurimages Board of Mangement meeting
Conseil de l'Europe
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Allée des Droits de l'Homme
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