January 2019 - December 2021

Context of the project

Following a request made by the Vice-President of the Council of State (COS) of Egypt, Mr Mohamed Raslan, a delegation from the CEPEJ conducted a fact-finding mission within the Council with a view of identifying challenges and proposing suggestions to improve its working methods and reduce court delays. 

Project's objectives

  • Improve the collection and dissemination of statistics by setting up a computerised and holistic management system
  • Conduct satisfaction surveys for users namely lawyers representing users 
  • Publishe booklets on the rights of users 
  • Improve training for judges and staff of the Council of State

Expected outcomes

  • Improvement of the procedure related to the State Commissioner Body
  • Reduced backlogs and timeframes of proceedings
  • Improved access to justice
  • Improved quality of service

Main activities

  • Counselling, analysis and expertise to review legislative and policy frameworks: needs assessments, mapping of legal, institutional and political frameworks; legal reviews, opinions, reports and recommendations based on the methodologies of the Council of Europe with the participation of the Council of Europe's networks of experts;
  • Capacity building: tailored assistance; counselling, training/training of trainers and other forms of technical support; availability of tools and methodologies for the implementation of priority reforms aimed at developing new capacities and competencies.
  • Networking and peer exchange: participation of Egyptian experts in Council of Europe networks; round tables/expert working groups, peer reviews and exchanges of good practices.
  • Communication and outreach tools: awarenessraising and advocacy activities; publications, translations and dissemination of relevant materials in Arabic, French and English; online awareness activities and social networks

Project beneficiaries and stakeholders

  • Egyptian Council of State: staff, judges, clercks, lawyers
  • Citizen


Council of Europe
Clémence Bouquemont da Costa
 Clemence.Bouquemont [at] coe.int
 +33 (0)3 90 21 60 83