(Draft) Agenda

4-5 June 2013
Council of Europe, Strasbourg

1. Opening of the 9th Plenary and adoption of the agenda


Agenda 9th Plenary

2. Status of signatures, ratifications, accessions to the Budapest Convention and its Protocol

Participants are invited to discuss the status of signature, ratification or accession by specific countries.

3. Information provided by parties and observers – Tour de table


4 Dialogue with international organisations (T-CY observers)

Dialogue with International organisations

Outcome of the 22nd session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justic

5. Assessment


Questionnaire on international cooperation


Assessment 2013: compilation of replies
T-CY(2013)17 Assessment 2013: REPORT
6. Data protection

Reform of data protection frameworks at the Council of Europe (Convention 108 revised , Background), the European Union and the OECD

7. Transborder access to data

T-CY (2013)13

Transborder hearing note


Elements of a Protocol on transborder access to dat


Draft decision on Protocol

8. T-CY draft Guidance Notes



T-CY (2013)7 E

Transborder access (Article 32)

T-CY(2013)8E Identity Theft
T-CY(2013)10E DDOS attacks
T-CY(2013)11E Critical Information Infrastructure attacks
T-CY(2013)12E New forms of Malware

9. T-CY Workplan: review of the workplan 2014/15


 Workplan for the period 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2015

10. Ensuring T-CY financing


Options for consideration by the 9th T-CY Plenary

11. Elections

Bureau Rules

12. Other business

Global Project (Phase 1 , Phase 2, Phase 3)

CyberCrime@IPA (Project, Strategic Priorities)


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