Liste des zones diplômées par pays

Retour Poloniny National Park

Poloniny National Park

The National Park is a woody mountain area (mid-highland with the character of lower highland up to a higher mountainous landscape) of the flysch zones of the Carpathians, partly influenced by a traditional economical human activity. Forests consist predominantly of deciduous wood plants of mild belt (prevails the European Beech – Fagus silvatica L.).


For information:

State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic
Administration of the Poloniny National Park
Ul. Mieru 193
06761 Stakčín
Slovak Republic

 +421 057 762 44 24
     +421 903 570 217

EUNIS factsheet


Application file
Resolutions Available here
Experts reports following PE-S-DE(98)64
Other reports  
2013 annual report 07/03/2014
2014 annual report 15/11/2015
2015 annual report 27/11/2015
2016 annual report 01/12/2016
2017 annual report 15/12/2017
2018 annual report 13/12/2018
2019 annual report 20/12/2019
2020 annual report     22/12/2020
2021 annual report   22/12/2021
2022 annual report  19/12/2022
2023 annual report  18/12/2023
Next visit 2027
Award date: 18.09.98
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