Back Presentation of key findings and recommendations on anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism in Kosovo* (Pristina, 28 April 2015)

Key findings and recommendations of the final assessment reports on compliance with international standards in the areas of anti-corruption and anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism will be presented at the closing conference of the joint European Union and Council of Europe project against Economic Crime in Kosovo* (PECK), in Pristina on 28 April 2015.

The Conference will bring together ministerial and other high-level representatives of relevant domestic institutions, international experts, and representatives of key stakeholders from international organisations, business and civil society who will discuss the project’s results, lessons learned from the assessment exercise and future follow-up.

The Assessment Reports represent the most comprehensive evaluation of law, policy and practice in the AC and AML/CFT areas that has ever been carried out in Kosovo*. They have been prepared on the basis of GRECO and MONEYVAL assessment methodologies specifically tailored for Kosovo*, over the two successive cycles carried out during 2012-2014. The Reports seek to provide concrete guidance to the authorities in their efforts to strengthen institutional capacities and improve the legislative and regulatory framework in the areas of combating corruption, money laundering and the financing of terrorism. They also provide a sound baseline for streamlining international technical assistance to Kosovo* in the economic crime area.

The publication of the Assessment Reports marks the end of the first phase of the Project, co-funded by the EU and CoE and implemented by the CoE. The second phase (PECKII) is envisaged to begin later this year and will ensure the continuity of the assessment process combined with targeted technical assistance to address the shortcomings and deficiencies identified in the first phase.

*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation's Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

ODGP Pristina 28/04/2015
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