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Cooperation plans implemented in the crisis situation

The work plans of cooperation projects have continuously been revised to reflect possibilities in the Covid-19 crisis situation.

At the end of May 85% of the revised short-term work plans had been implemented. Readjustment of some plans has resulted in implementation delays and changes in deadlines to achieve deliverables, including new action linked to the crisis. Overall, most revised plans were implemented as planned and objectives remain on track. Although it is too early to know how revised work plans have contributed to the higher-level project results, most projects indicate that outputs have been delivered as expected.

Priority has been given to redesigning activities into on-line events and deskwork (studies, recommendations and opinions, strategic documents guidelines and manuals etc). Online tools like HELP have been well adapted to this period and widely used in project support. On-line human rights talks have also attracted considerable interest.

Strasbourg, France 8 June 2020
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