The European Youth Foundation is visiting projects it is supporting and run by non-governmental youth organisations.

Through the visits the Foundation expects to increase the visibility of the EYF and the Council of Europe; give feedback to the Programming Committee on Youth (more about the Committee); establish contact with youth NGOs; get to know NGOs and the work they do.

Visited projects are organised by non-governmental youth organisations (NGOs) which are registered with the Foundation and received a grant. (More information on the application process).

Projects visited by the European Youth Foundation

Back EYF visit to Albania

EYF visit to Albania

The European Youth Foundation visited the activity “Empowering first-line practitioners: Let’s kick extremism out of high school communities”, organised by the youth NGO Centre for Youth Progress in Kukës, Albania.

This pilot activity took place between 14 and 21 July and gathered youth workers, teachers and high school students from the Kukës region in the north of Albania, in order to analyse and find common ways to address bullying in high schools and to prevent extremism that might come from such conflict situations.

The EYF visit took place during two of the eight days of the training, which included sessions on the connection between bullying, radicalisation and extremism, as well as real life case-studies that reflected the topics at hand. These were addressed through discussions but also capacity building on how to deal with problematic cases, since the target group included teachers and youth workers, who could also benefit from the perspective of the high school students in the group.
Strasbourg 25 July 2017
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