The European Youth Foundation is visiting projects it is supporting and run by non-governmental youth organisations.

Through the visits the Foundation expects to increase the visibility of the EYF and the Council of Europe; give feedback to the Programming Committee on Youth (more about the Committee); establish contact with youth NGOs; get to know NGOs and the work they do.

Visited projects are organised by non-governmental youth organisations (NGOs) which are registered with the Foundation and received a grant. (More information on the application process).

Projects visited by the European Youth Foundation

Back EYF continue visits to projects

17-22 Feb 2020

EYF continue visits to projects

Event Information

The European Youth Foundation visited an International Activity organised by Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations (ALLIANCE) which is part of their 2020 work plan "Value-based approach in international voluntary service projects as a tool for increasing youth participation and inclusiveness of young people".

Twenty youth trainers from different NGOs met on 17-22 February in the suburb of Berlin (Germany) for a long-term training course to build their capacities and expertise as International Volunteer Service (IVS) workcamp leaders. IVS values were recalled during the training and the participants had the opportunity to review the workcamp leader’s role and competence when implementing a project. They were also invited to brainstorm on how to define an NGO mission and values. The participants will be involved in the next step of the ALLIANCE work plan which is a training session in Hungary focusing on work with specific target groups in IVS projects: youth from minority groups, refugees, people in difficult situations or facing discrimination, etc.