News 2020
Webinar "Earthquakes in the midst of the pandemic"
On the 19 November 2020, the Council of Europe’s European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) and the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, Civil Protection Directorate, co-organised a webinar on “Earthquakes in the midst of the pandemic”. The aim of the event was to discuss...
Joint meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents and the Directors of Specialised Centres
Due to the travel restrictions put in place on account of the Covid-19 sanitary crisis, the EUR-OPA Committee of Permanent Correspondents and the Directors of Specialised Centres held their joint meeting on 3-4 November 2020 by videoconference. The meeting aimed at preparing the EUR-OPA...
Stand out in Disasters social media campaign
On the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Risk Recution on 13 October, the EUR-OPA Major Hazards launches the social media campaign "Stand out in Disasters" #BeReadyStandOut which aims to raise awareness about disaster risk reduction and give visbility to effective prevention...
EUR-OPA Bureau meeting
The Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement held its second meeting of the year on 2 October, by videoconference. The first draft of the Medium-Term Plan 2021-2025, the programme of work 2020-2021 and the draft resolution on the inclusion of...
BeSafeNet Olympiad 2020 Award Ceremony
On 10 September 2020, the BeSafeNet Olympiad 2020 award ceremony was held online. The three winning teams from Secondary schools in the EUR-OPA members states; team Teal, Greece (1st), team Knowledge Knights, Romania (2nd) and team Green Team, Bulgaria (3rd) and their teachers as well as the...
BeSafeNet Editorial Board Meeting
The BeSafeNet Editorial Board meeting was held on 29 April 2020 via video conference. Among other topics discussed, a review of the 2020 Olympiad held on 28 February 2020 was carried out. The project team reported a marked increase in the number of secondary schools which participated in the 2020...
EUR-OPA Bureau Meeting
The Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement held its first meeting of 2020 on 8 April. As an emergency measure to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Bureau meeting was held via videoconference. The participants followed up on decisions taken at the...
COVID-19 - Useful resources
The EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement has long contributed to and continues to support the global efforts on disaster risk reduction. On its new COVID-19 page, the Executive Secretariat of EUR-OPA has put together a variety of resources related to disaster preparedness and response developed under...
Zagreb hit by earthquake while in coronavirus lockdown
The European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement expresses its solidarity and support to the Croatian authorities and the persons affected by the strong earthquake that struck the Croatian capital Zagreb today, bringing much of the population onto the streets as social distancing...
Covid-19 Outbreak - message to our partners
In accordance with the recommendations of the French authorities, and as an expression of civic responsibility and solidarity in these difficult times, the Council of Europe is taking emergency measures to stop the spread of the Covid 19 epidemic. By decision of the Secretary General, the...
BeSafeNet 2020 Olympiad
Secondary schools from the member States of the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) are invited to take part in the second International online competition on “Better knowledge against disasters” scheduled for 28 February...