Back BeSafeNet Editorial Board Meeting

BeSafeNet Editorial Board Meeting

The BeSafeNet Editorial Board met via videoconference on 11 May to review the 2021Olympiad. The Board also discussed ways to improve the Olympiad experience and update the existing content on the BeSafeNet website. The new topics for the 2022 Olympiad will be confirmed in September.

One of the highlights of the 2021 Olympiad was the participation of six Afghan girls from their accommodation centre for refugees, in Ritsona, Greece. The girls’ teacher expressed their joy at the possibility to participate in an event for secondary schools across Europe. This made them feel “normal” for the first time in a long while, since they are unable to attend school formally, as refugees.

The BeSafeNet website is a tool for promoting risk culture among populations, particularly targeting secondary schools in the EUR-OPA member States. Although natural and technological disasters cannot be prevented, BeSafeNet aims to inform and educate pupils through sharing valid and reliable information in order to minimise the risks and effects. 

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Strasbourg 11 May 2021
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