Back GLACY+: Support for setting up supervisory authorities in the Gambia

GLACY+: Support for setting up supervisory authorities in the Gambia

The Government of the Gambia is currently harmonising the data protection legal framework that will be tabled to the Parliament soon.

The Council of Europe has supported the Gambian authorities in the legislative drafting process since 2020.

In this respect, on 8 February an online workshop was organised for the sub-committee in charge of drafting the future data protection legislation for introducing and discussing the two main models for supervisory authorities of the right to data protection and access to information.

Next to expert support providing a desk study on the issue, representatives of supervisory authorities from France, Germany and Tunisia exposed the set up adopted in their respective countries and shared their practical experience of conciliating both rights at stake. They answered concrete questions and provided recommendations aiming to support the Gambia in aligning their domestic legislation with the international standards.

The relevant provisions of Convention 108+ were also brought to the attention of participants.

 Council of Europe, Data Protection: Newsroom

Online 8 February 2022
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