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CyberSouth: Training course on electronic evidence for judges and prosecutors

The CyberSouth and AP-JUST projects, joint endeavours of the Council of Europe and European Union, co-organised the training course on electronic evidence for Tunisian judges and prosecutors, in co-operation with the Institut Supérieur de la Magistrature, during 29-31 May 2023, in Tunis, Tunisia.

The course enhanced the knowledge and skills of prosecutors and judges to preserve, collect, handle and present electronic evidence, by using practical cases, from the initial complaint to the collection of evidence and the presentation during the trial.

Selected trainees of this module will be included in the next activity, the training of trainers’ course for magistrates, which will be delivered in the framework of the CyberSouth project.

 Project CyberSouth

 Project AP-JUST « Amélioration du fonctionnement, de la performance et de l’accès à la justice en Tunisie »

Tunis, Tunisia 29-31 May 2023
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