Case-File Dashboard
The Case-File Dashboard contains information on the more than 200 case-files of the Bern Convention. It is divided into active case-files (open, possible, stand-by and new complaints) and the closed/dismissed cases. Information featured includes a short summary of the case-file, timeline, and a list of reports from the case-file parties and possible other relevant documents including mission reports and Recommendations. Filters to the right (or bottom of the page from smartphone or tablet) can be used to narrow the search of case-files by particular aspects, e.g. to search for all cases which have had an associated Recommendation, this sub-category can be found under the Possible threats/factors category.
Please note that not all information is digitally available for the older case-files, and that the information provided for the closed cases tends to be more limited. The Dashboard will only be updated several times per year, so the information should be considered for guidance purposes only.
Last updated: 04/03/2024
1. Open
Recommendation No. 9 (1987) on the protection of Caretta Caretta in Laganas bay, Zakynthos
This complaint was submitted in 1986 by MEDASSET and supported by Archelon on the protection of the Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in Laganas Bay on the island of Zakynthos.
Sea turtles at Akamas peninsula
The complaint was first issued in 1995 by TerraCypria on the protection of the Akamas peninsula and in particular of the nesting beaches of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
Threats to marine turtles in Thines Kiparissias
The complaint was first expressed in 2010 by MEDASSET on the conservation status of the Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in Thines Kyparissias Bay.
Presumed degradation of nesting beaches in Fethiye and Patara SPAs
This complaint was submitted by MEDASSET in 2012 on the conservation status of the sea turtle nesting beaches in Patara and Fethiye.
Hydro power development within the territory of Mavrovo National Park
This complaint was submitted in 2013 by the association Eko-svest on the construction of hydropower plants in Mavrovo National Park.
Development of a commercial project in Skadar Lake National Park and candidate Emerald site
This complaint was submitted in 2016 by the Informal Citizens Group from Virpazar, Montenegro for the protection of the Skadar Lake National Park.
Alleged negative impacts to Lake Ohrid and Galichica National Park candidate Emerald Sites due to infrastructure developments
The Environmental Citizens’ Association “Front 21/42” and Eko-svest submitted a complaint in 2017 concerning infrastructure development within the territory of Galichica National Park and at the Lake Ohrid shore.
Wolf culling policy
The complaint was submitted by three citizens and an NGO according to whom, the Norwegian wolf management is incompatible with national law and international agreements such as the Bern Convention, through which the wolf is protected.
Habitat destruction in Mersin Anamur Beach
Cette plainte concernant le site de nidification des tortues marines sur la plage de Mersin Anamur en Türkiye, a été déposée en 2019 par MERÇED.
Possible negative impact of hydro-power plant development on the Neretva river
This complaint was submitted in 2020 by several NGOs concerning the construction of hydropower plants on the Neretva river.
New wolf culling policy
The complainant esteems that Switzerland violates the Bern Convention with its current and future wolf management and undermines the international efforts of the IUCN in the European Alpine region.
2. Possible
Motorway through the Kresna Gorge
The complaint was issued in 2001 by a group of NGOs in Bulgaria on the construction of the motorway connecting Dresden, Budapest, Sofia, and Istanbul, with a branch from Sofia to Thessalonica through the Kresna Gorge.
The Amulsar gold mine project and its impacts on Emerald Network sites
This complaint was submitted by the EcoLur” Informational NGO, the Armenian Forests NGO, the Green Armenia NGO, and the CEE Bankwatch Network in 2020 concerning the construction of the Amulsar Gold mine, of which the construction was already advanced.
Possible negative impact of mining activities in Bosilegrad and in the Homolje Mt region
This complaint alleges that the expansion of mining activities in Bosilegrad and Homolje Mt region would endanger species and entire ecosystems protected under the Bern Convention.
3. Stand By
Recommendation No. 169 (2013) on the Rhone streber (Zingel asper) in the Doubs (France) and in the canton of Jura (Switzerland)
This case concerns the conservation status of the Rhone streber (Zingel asper), which is endemic to the Rhone basin covering France and parts of Switzerland.
Possible threat to “Svaneti 1” Emerald Site (GE0000012) from Nenskra Hydro Power Plant development
The complaint was submitted by the association Green Alternative (Georgia) and the Balkani Wildlife Society (Bulgaria) on the development of a hydropower plant development within the Emerald Network site “Svaneti 1” in Georgia.
Possible negative impact on Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve’s authentic birch woods from new road infrastructure
The Iceland Nature Conservation Association and Fuglavernd BirdLife Iceland submitted a complaint on the construction of a new road through Teigsskógur, one of the largest authentic birch woods (Betula pubescens) in the North-western peninsula of Iceland.
Presumed threat to Emerald site “Polonina Borzhava” (UA0000263) from wind energy development
In 2017, the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group submitted a complaint on the construction of wind farms on Emerald Network site "Polonina Borzhava", that could lead to danger for bat and bird species including migratory and predatory birds, of which many are protected under Annex II.
Alleged threats to the Emerald Network sites Skhidnyi Svydovets, Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory and Carpathian biosphere Reserve
In 2019 the EPL - Environmental People Law submitted a complaint on the construction of a large ski resort affecting Emerald Network sites Skhidnyi Svydovets, Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory, and the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve.
Possible negative effects of hydrocarbons extraction in four Emerald sites in Donetsk-Kharkiv region
The complaint was submitted in 2019 by the association Environment-People-Law on the possible negative effects on four Emerald network sites in Ukraine which might get damaged through the extraction of hydrocarbon including measures such as fracking.
Presumed threat to Emerald site Zatoky (UA0000214) from windfarm developments
The complaint was submitted in 2019 by the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group on the building of a wind farm very close to the Emerald network area of “Zatoky” (UA0000214), which is situated on the Karkinitska and Dzharylgatska bays in the Kherson region of Ukraine.
Badger Culling Policy in England
The Born Free Foundation, Badger Trust, and Eurogroup for Animals submitted a complaint in 2019 concerning the culling in England of badgers (Meles meles) which are an Annex III species under the Bern Convention.
Recognising Horbachykha as a protected area to save it from residential developments
This complaint was submitted in 2020 by the #SaveHorbachykha activist movement on the planned construction of a residential complex on the Horbachykha site, which is located on the bank of the Dnieper (Dnipro) River in the centre of Kyiv.
Logging threats to the Black Tysa River in Emerald Network site "Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory" (UA0000117)
The complaint was submitted by Ecosphere in 2020 on the logging activities at "Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory" (UA0000117) close to the Black Tysa River basin in the Carpathians, which is part of the Emerald Network in Ukraine.
Presumed threat to Emerald Network site “Bugzkyi Gard National Nature Park” (UA0000040)
The complaint was submitted in 2020 by the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group on the production of hydropower within the Emerald Network site “Bugzkyi Gard National Nature Park” (UA0000040), which could negatively impact the natural value of the area.
Presumed threat to Tagus Estuary Special Protected Area from a new airport
The association Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves submitted a complaint in 2020 on the construction of an airport by the Tagus Estuary in Lisbon, an area of high natural value and important breeding, wintering, and stopover site for waterbirds using the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF).
Alleged threat to birds and protected sites due to the proposed construction of windfarms
This complaint was submitted in 2021 by the Norwegian Ornithological Society (NOF)/Birdlife Norway on the construction of several offshore wind farms in Norway.
Threats to wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Irpin river valley Emerald Network site from constructions
This complaint was submitted in 2021 by a Ukrainian citizen on behalf of the Irpin community on the construction of buildings along the Irpin river valley.
Habitat loss in Baden-Württemberg threating the conservation of Tetrao urogallus
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by NABU - Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union on the conservation status of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany.
Conservation of the Western hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia rhenana)
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by the Luxembourgish association natur&ëmwelt on the conservation status of the Western hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia rhenana), a regionally endemic bird in west Europe, which faces imminent worldwide extinction as only a tiny population remains in the Vosges...
Alleged threat to fauna species and protected sites due to the proposed construction of a lithium mine in the Jadar River Valley
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by Earth Thrive on the construction of a lithium mine in the Jadar River Valley and supporting infrastructures, which could impact a total area of about 293 km including Emerald Network sites.
Possible threat to Rioni River from the Namakhvani Hydropower Project
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by Green Alternative, Nature Conservation Georgia, and CEE Bankwatch concerning the construction plans of the Namakhvani Hydropower Project on the Rioni River in Georgia.
Alleged habitat destruction in the area of Novi Sad due to proposed infrastructure constructions
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by an individual on behalf of the residents of the Starobelsky district of the Luhansk region of Ukraine on the development of gas fields with hydraulic fracturing methods (fracking) negatively impacting the region.
Alleged violation of the Convention in relation to deliberate killing of Lutra lutra
The complaint was submitted on behalf of Wiener Tierschutzverein (Tierschutz Austria), and states that in Austria, especially in the federal state of Carinthia, the Eurasian otter (lutra lutra) whose habitat is the local Drau river, is caught in so-called conibear traps on land and in water.
Hydropower plant development on Emerald Network site Komarnica
The complaint has been submitted by an individual on behalf of the NGO Montenegrin Ecologists Society who are concerned that a series of documents to plan a hydropower plant has been adopted by the Montenegrin Government.
Possible negative impact of mining activities in Mountain Baba
The complaint concerns stone quarries in Mountain Baba that would allegedly threat 46 species protected under Appendices II and III and an Important Bird Area.
Alleged damage to protected habitats and species due to logging activities in the Belpau Emerald Network (CH0000028)
The complaint outlines concerns related to negative impacts on habitats and protected species in the Emerald Network Belpau (CH0000028) in Switzerland, attributed to logging activities and forest exploitation.
4. New (pending)
Possible negative impact on the Luhansk region from hydraulic gas drilling activities
The complaint was submitted in 2021 by an individual on behalf of the residents of the Starobelsky district of the Luhansk region of Ukraine on the development of gas fields with fracking negatively impacting the region.
Possible negative impact of mining activities in Trstionica – Gornja Bukovica and Vareš
This complaint was submitted in 2022 on mining activities in Trstionica – Gornja Bukovica and Vareš which would critically endanger the ecosystem due to deforestation, water, air and soil pollution.
Alleged habitat destruction due to the construction of the Skavica Hydropower Plant on the Drin River
This complaint concerns plans for a dam which could negatively affect the ecosystems of the Drin River, including territory of the critically endangered Balkan Lynx.
5. New
Alleged insufficient protection of the Hermann’s tortoise
The complaint was submitted by the France Nature Environnement Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (FNE-PACA) association concerning inadequate protection by the French authorities of the Hermann tortoise, which is protected under Appendix II of the Bern Convention on strictly protected species of fauna.
Deforestation in an Emerald Network Site (UA000338) in Kyiv Region
The complaint was submitted by an individual acting on behalf of the residents of the Fastyv Districit Kyiv Region, concerning the integral Ukrainian part of the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, located on the territory of Kyiv Region.