The Standing Committee has a range of tools to monitor the implementation of the Convention at each of its meetings, including by reviewing reports, processing case-files and following-up on the implementation of previous recommendations.
All aspects of the monitoring system are fully accessible to not only national authorities from Parties, but also from observer States to the Convention and, most importantly to civil society. All reports under the different reporting systems are publicly accessible through the Convention’s website, as are other documents submitted to the Standing Committee’s annual meetings.
There are different types of reporting under the Bern Convention, even though only one of them is compulsory under the terms of the convention: the system of the “biennial reports”.
The case-file system, dating back to 1984, is a unique monitoring tool based on complaints for possible breaches of the Convention that can be submitted by NGOs or even private citizens.
This reference portal contains reference documents related to the information provided in the reporting format for the period 2013-2018.