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Back 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on ‘Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation’ Held Online

5th Steering Committee Meeting of the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on ‘Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation’ Held Online

The fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the Joint Project on ‘Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation’ was held online on 28 April 2022. The focus of the meeting was the progress achieved since the last Steering Committee Meeting held in October 2021 and the activities planned to be carried out for the period May-November 2022.

Representatives from the Court of Cassation, Constitutional Court, Council of State, Ministry of Justice (Directorate General for Foreign Relations and European Union Affairs), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate for EU Affairs), Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Justice Academy of Turkey, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Central Finance and Contracts Unit and Council of Europe attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Dr Mustafa Saldırım, Deputy Secretary General of the Court of Cassation, mentioned the role and importance of the Project in terms of the reform strategy of the Court of Cassation and provided information about the Court of Cassation Case Law Centre to be established within the Court. The representative from the EU Delegation expressed her satisfaction with the progress made in the Project especially since last November, emphasising the strenuous efforts of the project teams. In her presentation, Prof. İnayet Aydın from the Faculty of Education Sciences of Ankara University focused on the training needs analysis, job description and job analysis activities under the training component of the Project.


The Joint Project on ‘Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation’ is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and the Court of Cassation of Turkey is the end beneficiary of the Project.

Ankara 28 April 2022
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