Back Study Visit Held to Spain Within the Scope of the Joint Project on “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation”

Study Visit Held to Spain Within the Scope of the Joint Project on “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation”

A study visit was organised to Spain to visit judicial institutions in Madrid and to the Judicial School in Barcelona between 29 November and 3 December 2021 within the scope of the Joint Project on “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Turkey”.


A delegation of 18 persons, including the First Vice President, chamber presidents, bench members, Deputy Secretary General, rapporteur judges, and public prosecutors of the Court of Cassation, along with representatives from the Council of Europe attended the study visit to obtain information on the best practices concerning the judicial practices of high courts of appeal as well as the training programmes designed for the judiciary and other stakeholders in Spain.


The delegation received in-depth information on examining and comparing different approaches on the general legal framework and structure of courts of appeal in terms of judicial efficiency and quality during the visits to the Supreme Court, the first instance court, the National High Court (Audiencia Nacional), and the Constitutional Court. The delegation also attended a virtual session to visit the Spanish Judicial Documentation Centre (CENDOJ), which provided critical information about how the Information Technologies (IT) system contributes to an effective case management mechanism.


The Joint Project on “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court of Cassation” is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and the Court of Cassation of Turkey is the end beneficiary of the Project.

Spain 29 November - 3 December 2021
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