Back EUR-OPA presents the Council of Europe human rights approach to disaster risk reduction

UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

The Council of Europe, through its EUR-OPA Major Hazards Partial Agreement, participated actively in the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, which took place in Sendai, Japan, 14-18 March 2015. The Agreement shared in particular the results of the work carried out on the topic of people with disabilities and disaster risk reduction, by taking part in the Working session “Proactive participation of persons with disabilities in inclusive disaster risk reduction for all” and the side event “UN DESA Forum on Disability - Inclusive disaster risk reduction inclusion saves lives”. The Council of Europe’s human rights approach to disaster risk reduction was presented at the side events “Disasters and human rights”, “Disasters and displaced persons” and “Health and human rights : questions about nuclear accidents”.
The Agreement has contributed to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2010-2015 and continues to support the global efforts on disaster risk reduction in cooperation with all international partners involved through Resolution 2014-1 of its Committee.

People with Disabilities and Disaster Risk Reduction

Nuclear Hazards

More information: UN WCDRR web site

headline Sendai, Japan 14-18 March 2015
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