Back iPROCEEDS: Skopje: Inter-Agency and International Cooperation for Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Online Crime Proceeds

Skopje, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” , 

Strengthening inter-agency and international cooperation and information sharing between cybercrime units, financial investigation units and financial intelligence units as well as between competent authorities for judicial cooperation in search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds is one of iPROCEEDS objective.

In this context, the iPROCEEDS is organising a workshop on inter-agency and international cooperation for search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds in Skopje and will assist the national authorities in the preparation of inter-agency cooperation protocols and domestic protocols for international sharing of intelligence and evidence.

The objective of the workshop is to give a clear picture to participants on how to combine financial and cybercrime investigations at domestic level and in international cooperation and which are the fora for such cooperation leading to the preparation of structured and documented procedures (domestic protocols) for inter-agency and international sharing of information and evidence that are auditable, simple and applied by Cybercrime unit, Financial Investigation Unit, FIU and Prosecution service in the search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds.

Members of the national project team, in particular representatives of the Cybercrime Unit, Financial Investigation Unit, Financial Intelligence Unit, Prosecution service and competent authorities for judicial cooperation (MLA authority) have been taken part to this workshop.


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Programme Assistant

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