Since December 2014, the Council of Europe is running a project aimed at strengthening the legal and institutional framework for freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Tunisia.

In cooperation with the main relevant stakeholders in the media sector and other international organisations working in Tunisia, activities are carried out to support:

  • the reform of the media related legal framework in line with international and Council of Europe set of standards;
  •  the independence and effective functioning of the regulatory body competent for audio-visual communications;
  • the transition to genuine public service media.

The project was financed by a voluntary contribution of Norway and run until June 2016. Within the framework of the "Neighbouring partnership with Tunisia 2015-2017", a financial contribution from Norway has also been made for the continuation of the activities in the field of freedom of expression from July 2016 to December 2017.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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