

In the course of the years, many experts have been involved in the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in one way or the other, either as a member or observer in the Cybercrime Convention Committee, or as a practitioner applying the provisions of this treaty, or in activities related to capacity building on cybercrime, or in other ways.

Explore with us some of the shared stories and experiences with the Budapest Convention!

Denise Frago Piedra
Técnica Judicial, Ministerio Publico, Costa Rica

"Para el Ministerio Público de Costa Rica, el acercamiento que se ha mantenido a lo largo del tiempo con el Consejo de Europa, en sus diversos espacios (Curso básico y avanzado para formadores costarricenses, Apoyo a la impartición nacional, Misiones consultivas, Talleres de formación entre profesionales, Reuniones de trabajo, Consejo Directivo, etc), han sido de mucho provecho, ya que las fiscalas y fiscales han actualizado y puesto en práctica sus conocimientos en los expedientes que tienen bajo su responsabilidad, teniendo mejores herramientas para el abordaje del fenómeno del cibercrimen, el tratamiento de la evidencia digital así como las ejecución de mejoras en temas como Cooperación Internacional."


English version  For the Costa Rican Public Prosecutor's Office, the rapprochement that has been maintained over time with the Council of Europe, in its various forums (basic and advanced course for Costa Rican trainers, support for national prosecution, consultative missions, training workshops for professionals, working meetings, Board of Directors, etc.), has been very useful, have been of great benefit, as prosecutors have updated and put into practice their knowledge in the cases under their responsibility, having better tools to address the phenomenon of cybercrime, the treatment of digital evidence as well as the implementation of improvements in areas such as International Cooperation.

Jefferson Rolando Rojas Rodríguez
Coordinador Grupo de Informatica Forense / Direccion Cuerpo Tecnica de Investigacion

"La Fiscalía General de la nación de la República de Colombia, se honra en poder participar desde hace varios años inicialmente como observador y posteriormente como país miembro del convenio de Budapest, para nuestra institución es un logro muy importante el poder pertenecer a este selecto grupo y fortalecer las estrategias para combatir el cibercrimen como uno de los delitos más cometidos en Colombia actualmente, seguimos dispuestos a trabajar y a crear lazos de Unión entre los países miembros."


English version The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Colombia is honored to be able to participate for several years initially as an observer and later as a member country of the Budapest Convention, for our institution is a very important achievement to belong to this select group and strengthen strategies to combat cybercrime as one of the most committed crimes in Colombia today, we remain willing to work and create ties of union between member countries.

Antonio Segovia Arancibia
Director, Unidad de Cooperacion Internacional y Extradiciones (UCIEX)

"La Fiscalía de Chile comenzó a participar activamente en el T-CY y PDP el año 2017, cuando entró en vigor el Convenio de Budapest para nuestro país. Han sido años de trabajo y aprendizaje, en los cuales hemos tenido el privilegio de aportar nuestra mirada y experiencia en la redacción del Segundo Protocolo Adicional, a la vez que conocer las buenas prácticas y nudos críticos experimentados por otros países. Agradecemos especialmente a la Secretaría por el liderazgo demostrado durante todo el proceso, que culminará con un instrumento internacional que permitirá enfrentar de manera eficaz el cibercrimen a través de nuevas herramientas de cooperación internacional que estamos seguros marcarán un nuevo paradigma en la materia. Muchas gracias!"


English version "The Prosecutor's Office of Chile began to actively participate in the T-CY and PDP in 2017, when the Budapest Convention entered into force for our country. It has been years of work and learning, in which we have had the privilege of contributing our view and experience in the drafting of the Second Additional Protocol, while learning about the good practices and critical knots experienced by other countries. We are especially grateful to the Secretariat for the leadership shown throughout the process, which will culminate in an international instrument that will allow us to effectively address cybercrime through new international cooperation tools that we are sure will set a new paradigm in this area. Thank you very much!"

Francesco Cajani
Counter terrorism Department - Prosecutor’s office at the Court of Law in Milan


“On the opposite leaf, the land of Knossos
Rising out of the sea: here was the horn-cruel bull […]
Also shown:
The bewildering, intricate maze –
Nerver got through until Daedalus, out of pity
For infatuated Ariadne
Guided a prince’s blind footsteps
With a payout of thread, past every wrong turn
And every dead end he himself had devised
And constructed”

S. HEANEY, Aeneid Book VI

"When in December 2014 I expressed my willingness to be part of the Council of Europe Cloud Evidence Group, it was ten years since I really felt lost - as an Italian Public Prosecutor dealing with cybercrime - in the intricate maze of the Internet, looking for any trace (and expecially the ones that only an Internet Service Provider could disclose to me, even if that ISP is located abroad but with its services offered in my territory) in order to navigate an investigation

Since then the Minotaur has become, day after day, ever bigger and more dangerous, also with the contribution of many companies that – in the same way as Phasiphae – gave him life thanks to the pride of Minos who had preferred to take personal advantage of the gift he had received.  But today I trust that the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention on cybercrime can really represent the Ariadne's thread that we desperately need by now to get out of the labyrinth.

I am sure that each of the Member States of the Council of Europe, after the effort of all these last four years in working together, will be able to take up this new challenge: we owe it to a more peaceful future for our children and, even before that, to the victims of cybercrime who have remained without Justice until today."

dr. sc. Arben Murtezić
JU Centar za edukaciju sudija i tužilaca u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine / Public Institution Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Global success of the Budapest Convention is the result of the universal standards and feasible solutions embodied in its text. 2nd Additional Protocol is needed and natural step forward on the right way that is chosen two decades ago."


Jacqueline Pisani
Policy Officer, Ministry for Justice and Governance, Malta

"This experience provided for an exceptional opportunity for a horizontal exchange of experiences, views, observations and good practices with experts and professionals worldwide. The Second Additional Protocol is a big step forward in the fight against cyber-related crimes, and we are therefore confident that this Protocol will constitute a fast and effective collaborative tool that removes the barrier of conflicting obligations between State Parties, thus providing victims of crime online an increased expectation of justice. It was truly an honour to be part of this achievement."