12 mai 2022

Forum européen IDAHOT+ 2022 - EFPN

Limassol, Chypre
Information sur l'événement

IDAHOT+ Forum 2022 | Limassol | May 12

Le Forum IDAHOT+ du Réseau gouvernemental européen des points focaux LGBTI (EFPN) revient enfin cette année avec un événement en direct le 12 mai 2022 dans la ville de Limassol, à Chypre. Cette réunion tant attendue est co-organisée par les gouvernements de la République de Chypre et du Royaume-Uni, avec le soutien de l'Unité SOGI du Conseil de l'Europe.

The annual IDAHOT+ Forum aims to strengthen cooperation and understanding on LGBTI+ politics between European Governments, International Governmental Organisations, International Civil Society Organisations, Businesses, Academics, and key stakeholders.

As the main European event where governments and key stakeholders meet to assess the progress of LGBTI+ rights in the continent, celebrate achievements and set new goals, the event is highly anticipated by many. Each time, the organisation of the Forum is carried out by different EFPN-member governments allowing the discussions on LGBTI+ matters to reach government departments that could otherwise be difficult to reach. 

The event will cover:


 The European Civil Society Organisations will present the State of LGBTI+ Rights in Europe in 2022, through their annual maps: 

  • ILGA-Europe – Rainbow Index 2022
  • TGEU - Trans Rights Map of Europe & Central Asia 2022
  • OII – Good Practice Map
  • IGLYO - 2nd LGBTQI Inclusive Education Map, Index & Report

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