Back The new Project “Promoting European standards in the audio-visual regulation of the Republic of Moldova” was launched

The new Project “Promoting European standards in the audio-visual regulation of the Republic of Moldova” was launched

The “Promoting European standards in the audio-visual regulation of the Republic of Moldova” Project was launched on 1 March 2020 and its implementation period is 14 months. The Project is implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2017-2020.

The “Promoting European standards in the audio-visual regulation of the Republic of Moldova” Project is a follow-up to the EU-Council of Europe Joint Programme “Promoting Media Freedom and Pluralism in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented in 2016-2019, and built upon its achievements.

Through the above-mentioned JP, the Council of Europe addressed the need of the country to strengthen media pluralism and ensure an independent and professional public broadcaster committed to neutrality, which are essential pillars for fulfilling the country’s democratic reforms agenda. The adoption of the new Audio-visual Media Service Code in October 2018 was a landmark outcome contributing to an enabling environment for media pluralism and implementation of the EU Audio-visual Media Services Directive.
The Project will address the needs of the country to strengthen the media and broadcasting sector through implementation of European standards in the regulatory framework related to media pluralism and enhancing the professionalism of public service broadcasters.  The activities are structured around two components focusing on: (1) the improvement and proper implementation of the regulatory framework related to media pluralism; (2) enhancing professionalism of public service broadcaster. 

The Project’s expected results are:

  • The media related legislation is amended in line with CoE standards, new regulations and methodologies are in place.
  • The capacity of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova to work in an independent and transparent manner is increased.
  • The public service broadcaster’s capacity to produce professional, unbiased and accurate reporting on political and social issues is enhanced.
  • Good quality television documentaries and political/elections-related programmes are produced.
Strasbourg 31 March 2020
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