Capacity building: guides and tools


  18 November

  English, French, Spanish
  11:00 to 12:50 CET
 Download the agenda

Capacity building on cybercrime and electronic evidence is a complex and time and resource-intensive process, involving large numbers of organisations and practitioners. Given the growth of cybercrime and the fact that any crime may involve electronic evidence, any investigator, prosecutor or judge will be confronted to with such cases and needs to be equipped with the necessary skills to handle them. A number of guides and other tools have been developed by the Council of Europe and other organisations in recent years to help criminal justice practitioners acquire such skills. These guides and tools may complement training programmes or serve self-learning. The aim of this workshop is to increase knowledge of participants of such guides and tools and promote their adaptation to meet domestic needs.

Moderator and rapporteur

Michele Socco

Policy Officer, Security in the Digital Age Unit, Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission

Nayia Barmpaliou

Director, Cyber Lab International, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)


Simon Hirrle

Special Officer, Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL

Renata Delgado-Schenk

Cybercrime Programme Officer, UNODC

Robert Laid

Project Manager of SIRIUS Project for EUROJUST 


Juan De Dios Toledo Martinez

Project Manager of SIRIUS Project for EUROPOL

Wouter Veenstra

Manager Global Outreach and Partnerships, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise

Victor Voelzow

Council of Europe consultant

Safia El Moutaouakil

Head of Regional Digital Laboratory, Morocco

Terry Wilson

Global Partnership Director, Global Cyber Alliance