Training materials, guides, templates
You have access to all the training and other materials on cybercrime and electronic evidence developed by the Council of Europe within its capacity building programmes. Training materials are provided for educational non-commercial purposes.
- You can expect new / updated courses to be available soon
- The HELP course on cybercrime has been launched and you can find more information here. The course is available in ENG, ARA, AZE, BUL, CES, FRA, HUN, HYE, KAT, POR, RON, SLK, SPA, UKR. Soon available: TUR.
Introductory Training Module on Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence and Online Crime Proceeds
Download materials in ENG / ALB / RS / MK / TR
Introductory Judicial Course Pre Read
Lessons plans and presentations
- Course Opening
- Cybercrime
- Technology
- Identifying Suspects on the Internet
- Substantive BCC
- Procedural BCC
- National Legislation
- Electronic Evidence
- Introduction to Financial Investigations
- International Cooperation
- Public-Private Cooperation
- Online Criminal Money Flows and Typologies
- Course Closure
Introductory Judicial Training UPDATED (2020/2021)
Introductory level of knowledge for judges/prosecutors on cybercrime/electronic evidence
Advanced Judicial Training UPDATED (2018)
Additional level of knowledge on cybercrime/electronic evidence for judges/prosecutors
Training packs
Old version below:
- Albanian - Training packs / Presentations
- Macedonian - Training packs / Presentations
- Serbian - Training packs / Presentations
- Turkish - Training packs / Presentations
First Responder Training Pack (2020)
Training course for “1st responders" on how to handle electronic evidence on crime scenes
Training packs
Old version below:
- Albanian - Training packs / Materials
- Macedonian - Training packs / Materials
- Serbian - Training packs / Materials
Basic Course on the Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Online Crime Proceeds (2017)
Training Course for Judges and Prosecutors
- English - Training packs / Presentations
Advanced Course on the Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Online Crime Proceeds (2017)
Self-Guided Training Manual
Specialised Judicial Training on Electronic Evidence for Judges and Prosecutors - Pilot (2021)
Specialised training course “Electronic Evidence for Judges and Prosecutors”. This course covers the broader overlapping rules and principles about evidence collection, preservation, analysis, preparation and admissibility that are similar across both civil law and common law jurisdictions.
Material is available in the following languages:
Specialised Judicial Training on International Cooperation (2021)
Specialised judicial course on International Cooperation seeks to discuss the importance of cooperation and coordination amongst different jurisdictions in combatting cybercrime and in the acquisition of digital evidence
Material is available in the following languages:
Specialised Judicial Training on Training Skills UPDATED (2022)
Training of Trainers on Training Skills for judges and prosecutors delivering the Council of Europe judicial training on cybercrime and electronic evidence
Material is available in the following languages:
Training On Financial Investigations (2021)
Training course on financial investigations virtual currencies and darknet
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position and official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English
Electronic Evidence Guide
Provides guidance and good practice on the handling of electronic evidence
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position / official e-mail / which of the below translations are required.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English [Revised 2022]
- Albanian [2013]
- Armenian [revised 2020]
- Azerbaijani [revised 2020]
- Croatian [2013]
- French [2015]
- Georgian [revised 2020]
- Italian [2015]
- Macedonian [2013]
- Romanian [revised 2020]
- Russian [revised 2020]
- Serbian [2014]
- Spanish [2014]
- Turkish [2015]
- Ukrainian [revised 2020]
Bench Book for Judges and Prosecutors (2018)
Material is available in the following languages:
Standard Operating Procedures for the Collection, Analysis and Presentation of Electronic Evidence
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position / official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- Arabic
Digital Forensics (2018)
A basic guide for the management and procedures of a digital forensics labortory
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position and official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English
Guide on Seizing Cryptocurrencies (2021)
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position and official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Albanian
- Macedonian
- Serbian
- Turkish
- Portuguese
- Arabic
Guide for First Responders to Cybercrime Investigations (2021)
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position and official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English
- Arabic
Guide on LEA training strategies UPDATED (2022)
Guide for conducting criminal investigations of ransomware attacks (2022)
Restricted access. Please fill in the online request form specifying your official position and official e-mail.
Materials are available in the following languages:
- English

The Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC), together with partners, continues to support criminal justice authorities worldwide in their cooperation against cybercrime through a series of webinars.
Check the webinars page and register!
- GLACY project: Guidelines for implementation of judicial training, 2014
- GLACY and CyberCrime@EAP projects: Draft reports on judicial training strategies, 2014
- GLACY and CyberCrime@EAP projects: Draft reports on law enforcement training strategies, 2014
- Cybercrime training for judges and prosecutors: a concept (available in other languages: ALB - ARA - BOS - FRA - GEO - MK - POR - RUS - SPA - SRP - TUR), 2009
- Study: Co-operation between LE, Industry and Academia to deliver long term sustainable training to key cybercrime personnel, 2009