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CyberSouth: Introductory Judicial Course on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Tunisia

On 12-14 November, the Council of Europe in partnership with the Superior Institute of Magistrates (L’instiut superieur de la Magistrature) organised in Tunis, Tunisia, under the framework of CyberSouth project a basic judicial training on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

The training was delivered to 26 magistrates (judges and prosecutors) with the technical support of Ministry of Interior from Tunisia. The goal of CyberSouth project is to assist Tunisia in the creation of a pool of magistrates that will become trainer’s referents at local and regional level and deliver further national training activities in cybercrime and electronic evidence.

The opening session was addressed by the Director General of the Institute of Magistrates and the Council of Europe Head of Office from Tunisia. Both officials emphasised the commitment of Tunisia and the steps already undertook to become full Party to the Budapest Convention this year. The three day training touched upon legislative aspects of cybercrime and provided the participants with information about how to deal with electronic evidence, instruments for cybercrime investigations/prosecutions and the channels and instruments of international cooperation.

Tunis, Tunisia 12-14 November 2018
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