Back Save the date! International Conference on strengthening co-operation on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Africa, Rabat, Morocco

Save the date! International Conference on strengthening co-operation on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Africa, Rabat, Morocco

The Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Morocco, in collaboration with the Council of Europe is organising an international conference to enhance the co-operation on cybercrime and electronic evidence, in Africa. The event will provide the opportunity to present the tools offered by the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its protocols, as well as initiatives of other regional and international organisations.


On the agenda

► Cybercrime threats and trends

► Legislation, policies and strategies

► Tools provided by the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its protocols

► Regional and international co-operation

► Public-private partnership

► Capacity building initiatives



The conference is open to senior officials and decision makers from public institutions, representatives of regional and international organisations, private sector and academia.

High level interventions are expected in the opening session.


The conference will take place in person and plenary sessions will be livestreamed on a dedicated webpage. The working languages will be Arabic, French and English.

For more information, please contact [email protected]

 C-PROC webpage

 Glacy+ project webpage

 Octopus project webpage

 CyberSouth project webpage

 Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention

Rabat, Morocco 6-7 March 2023
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