Back iPROCEEDS: Investigating cybercrime and its financial gain under the last Cybercrime Simulation Exercise

Ankara, Turkey , 

Cybercrime is a lucrative business and often vast amounts of crime proceeds are generated – and often laundered – on the Internet and through the use of information and communication technologies. Prosecution service, law enforcement agencies and Financial Intelligence Unit need to work together to disrupt cybercriminals and cut off their "dirty money". Effective interagency cooperation is therefore necessary to identify the criminals and minimize damages from their criminal activity.

In order to address the problems of coordination and cooperation in the most practical way, cybercrime investigators, digital forensics specialists, financial investigators, prosecutors as well as Financial Intelligence Unit from Turkey have gathered to participate in a four days Cybercrime Simulation Exercise, in Ankara.

The activity is organised under the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe – iPROCEEDS, from 21 to 24 May 2018 and is the last exercise replicated at the national level, after being carried out in all project countries/areas.

The exercise aims at enhancing interagency cooperation and increasing dialogue between various agencies through coordination and cooperation requiring the participants to investigate cybercrime, apply digital forensics skills, detect and handle suspicious financial transactions and money laundering and recover data through international cooperation channels. The exercise strengthens the understanding of the need to exchange information between different professional communities, sometimes even in real time. It also demonstrates the need for public-private partnerships in cybercrime and financial investigations in order to get access to data held by private companies, and to encourage the use of common approaches and methods for processing electronic evidence in cybercrime investigation and when following the money flows of the cybercriminals.


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Programme Assistant

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