Back iPROCEEDS: Getting started

Ohrid, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” , 

The joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe: iPROCEEDS on Targeting Crime Proceeds on the Internet in South-Eastern Europe and Turkey was launched at a regional meeting in Ohrid, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, from 13 to 14 June, 2016.

The project aims to support countries of the IPA region to strengthen the capacity of authorities to search, seize and confiscate cybercrime proceeds and prevent money laundering on the Internet.

The meeting brought together more than 60 criminal justice officials, cybercrime experts and representatives from financial institutions and service providers who discussed specific steps to be taken towards stronger public/private and international cooperation to improve financial investigations and the confiscation of proceeds from crime online.

The iPROCEEDS project is implemented by the Council of Europe’s Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) in Romania.


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Programme Assistant

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