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GLACY+: Support for data protection legislation in Vanuatu – Workshop for drafting the Data Protection and Privacy Bill

As a continuation of the support provided by the Council of Europe to the Vanuatuan authorities, the fourth workshop on developing data protection legislation for Vanuatu was organised on 18 May 2022 by the GLACY+ project, in conjunction with the Council of Europe’s Data Protection Unit. The workshop focused on the finalisation of the draft Data Protection and Privacy Policy, before the first discussion on the draft text of the Data Protection and Privacy Bill took place. Both the draft Policy and the draft Bill have been prepared with support from the Council of Europe.

The workshop is part of the broader support GLACY+ is providing to Vanuatu to harmonise its domestic legislation on cybercrime and data protection and privacy with international standards in the area, including the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and Convention 108+. It is expected that current efforts will be finalised with the tabling of the first data protection and privacy legislation before the National Assembly in the second semester of 2022.

 GLACY+ Project

 Data Protection Unit

 The Budapest Convention

 Convention 108

 Support for Drafting Data Protection Legislation in Vanuatu – Introductory workshop

 Support for drafting data protection legislation in Vanuatu – Second workshop

 Support for data protection legislation in Vanuatu – Third workshop

Online 18 May 2022
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