Back GLACY+ and Octopus: Stakeholder series of workshops on new national cybercrime legislation concluded in Fiji

GLACY+ and Octopus: Stakeholder series of workshops on new national cybercrime legislation concluded in Fiji

On 23-30 June 2022, the GLACY+ Project, a joint action of the European Union and the Council of Europe, together with Octopus project, in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications in Fiji organised a series of four workshops on the new national cybercrime legislation targeting judiciary, law enforcement agencies (LEA), financial investigators, prosecutors and service providers.

The series was opened by the Ambassador of the European Union to Fiji and the Pacific, His Excellency Sujiro Seam, who welcomed the adoption of the new legal framework and emphasised the importance of international cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence. His speech was complemented by the opening remarks from Ms. Tupou’tuah Baravilala, Acting Permanent Secretary for Communications and Director-General for Digital Government Transformation, Cybersecurity and Communications, who reaffirmed the commitment of Fiji to international standards and international partners.

The workshops aimed at raising awareness of the provisions of Fiji’s new cybercrime act and identifying the potential challenges and needs the stakeholders may face in the process of its enforcement. It is the first building block in better equipping the authorities for the imminent entering into force of the cybercrime act.

For several years, the Council of Europe has been cooperating with the Fijian authorities to improve the cybercrime and electronic evidence legislation in Fiji, in line with the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. As a result, the new cybercrime act was adopted in February 2021.

The Council of Europe will continue to cooperate with Fijian authorities in strengthening the capacities of LEA and criminal justice authorities to combat cybercrime and engage in effective international cooperation.

 GLACY+ Project

 Octopus Project

 Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)

 Budapest Convention

 Second Addition Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

 EU Delegation to the Pacific

Suva, Fiji 23-30 June 2022
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