Governments, private companies and other actors have a duty to respect human rights offline and online. We will work with them to apply the guide, and to ensure that internet users have access to effective remedies when they believe their rights have been restricted or violated.

Welcoming the Guide's adoption, Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland

Guide to Human Rights for Internet Users Now Available

The Council of Europe has released the Guide to human rights of Internet users, designed as a tool to: be used by individuals and to be relied upon when facing difficulties in exercising their rights; help governments and public institutions to discharge their obligations to protect, respect and remedy human rights; be a kick-starter for national discussions on protection and promotion of human rights of Internet users and their empowerment in Internet environments; promote corporate social responsibility by encouraging the private sector to act responsibly and with respect for the human rights of individuals that they contract with.

 The Guide focuses on :

The Guide to Human Rights of Internet Users is based on existing human rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights and other Council of Europe conventions and legal texts, as well as on certain interpretations of these rights by the European Court of Human Rights.

The Guide to Human Rights of Internet Users was developed with broad multi-stakeholder consultation with governments, private companies from the telecommunications and online service providers sectors, civil society organisations, and representatives of the technical community and academia.

Visual ID description

Internet Users Rights

In Brief
The Guide to Human Rights for Internet users is designed as a tool to help the users understand their human rights online and what they can do when they are challenged. It does not create new rights. The Guide explains, in a user friendly language and format, existing rights from the European Convention on Human Rights and their application on the Internet.
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