The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe strives to improve policies, partnerships and networks in the field of global education

Global Education Recommendations

The North-South Centre works on the development of a European framework for global education and on the recognition of global education by policymakers

National and Regional Seminars

The North-South Centre provides space for dialogue, sharing of experiences and the identification of common priorities

North-South Centre Global Education Network

The North-South Centre strengthens a network of key stakeholders, at the global and European levels, with a focus on the new European Union member states.The network comprises 40 national coordinators from Council of Europe member States and Morocco (North-South Centre member State) representing Civil Society Organisation platforms or Ministries of Education

Global Education Week

The North-South Centre promotes Global Education practices and encourages their implementation through the Global Education Week which is a Europe wide awareness raising event, which takes place annually in formal and non-formal educational settings across the continent. It has a different theme every year

EU-Council of Europe Joint management agreement for the promotion of Global Education

The Joint Programme signed between the European Commission and the Council of Europe is essential for the achievement of these goals


The capacity building pillar of the global education programme consists of offering guidelines and training courses for educators (from the formal and non-formal sectors), enabling them to understand and practice global development education.

It also offers networking strategies for the promotion of good global education practices.

To know more acquiant yourself with:

the Online Training Courses for Global Education

the Training for Trainers: Youth and Global Education