draft agenda

Strasbourg - AGORA Building (Room G6)

20-21 September 2017

Please note that all the documents are available in PDF format. Click on the references below to open and download the documents.


1. Opening of the Meeting                                                                                    

2. Adoption of the agenda              

3. Information by the Secretariat

4. Finalisation of the third revised draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership

Doc MSI-MED(2016) 09 rev3


5. Finalisation of the second revised draft feasibility study on the use of internet in electoral campaigns

Doc MSI-MED(2016)10 rev2


6. Finalisation of the second revised draft feasibility study on a standard – setting instrument on media coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equality

Doc MSI-MED(2016)11 rev2


7. Any other business

MSI-MED Terms of Reference