Retour Social rights of children, families and migrants in danger across Europe

Social rights of children, families and migrants in danger across Europe

On 24 March 2020, the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) published its annual conclusions: Social rights of children, families and migrants are in danger in Europe. In the framework of the reporting procedure the ECSR assessed compliance with the European Social Charter, including in respect of the

right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance (Article 19). The main findings concerned child labour, including illegally working children in the formal and informal economy, as well as the protection of children from all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation. The Committee was increasingly concerned about the treatment of children in an irregular migration situation, whether they be accompanied or not, and asylum-seeking children, in particular their access to appropriate and safe accommodation. The Committee also highlighted the issue of the increasing number of stateless children in Europe with reduced access to basic rights and services such as healthcare and education. The conclusions also showed certain positive developments concerning social rights in many countries which can be consulted in the country conclusions or in the press briefing document.

On 22 April 2020, the European Committee of Social Rights published a statement on the right to protection of health in times of pandemic crisis. Article 11 in the European Social Charter refers to the right to health for all, including for migrants and refugees.

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