Retour CPT publishes report on Norway, including on a visit to Trandum Police Immigration Detention Centre

CPT publishes report on Norway, including on a visit to Trandum Police Immigration Detention Centre

On 17 January 2019, the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) published a report on a visit to Norway carried out in spring 2018.

The visit to Trandum Police Immigration Detention Centre confirmed previous positive findings regarding the treatment of foreign nationals, as well as the material conditions. However, association with other detainees was limited to fellow-inmates from the same unit, and outdoor exercise had been limited to an hour and a half per day. The CPT also made recommendations regarding medical screening upon admission and the provision of psychological/psychiatric care to foreign nationals. Further, the CPT considered that the systematic practice of handcuffing and strip-searching all foreign nationals during/after every movement outside the Centre was clearly disproportionate and unacceptable.

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