Dans le cadre du carrefour des connaissances, le service de l'éducation mène des projets et des initiatives dans les domaines suivants :

Resources developed within the framework of the intergovernmental programme of activities 


Resources developed within capacity building projects  

The main resources developed under the programme aim to support the implementation of educational practices based on the core values and standards of the Council of Europe;
Les principales ressources développées dans le cadre du programme visent à soutenir la mise en œuvre de pratiques éducatives basées sur les valeurs et les normes fondamentales du Conseil de l'Europe.

LEMON Learning Modules Online 

The Council of Europe Education Department has been developing the online learning platform since 2017 offering practical teaching and training resources to education professionals across Europe. The resources focus on the missions of the Council of Europe - protection and promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law throughout Europe.



The Education Department organises “EduTalks” with the aim to trigger public debate and raise awareness on education-related topics. EduTalks@Council of Europe are a series of moderated discussions and debates by renowned speakers focused on emerging topics or ideas related directly to education or relevant to the education field.  

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) 

The newest version of the Framework broadens the scope of language education, reflecting academic and societal developments since the CEFR publication in 2001. It presents the key aspects of the CEFR for teaching and learning in a user-friendly form and contains the complete set of extended CEFR descriptors, replacing the 2001 set. 

European Language Portfolio (ELP) 

The European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by the Language Policy Programme of the Council of Europe to support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and intercultural awareness and competence and to allow users to record their language learning achievements and their experience of learning and using languages.

Council of Europe Toolkit on Language Support for Adult Refugees 


The Council of Europe has developed the toolkit presented on this website (available in seven languages) to support member states in their efforts to respond to the challenges posed by unprecedented migration flows. It has been produced as part of the project Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (LIAM) of the Council of Europe’s major Programme on language policy.
The toolkit comprises the 57 tools and other resources contained in the various sections of this website. Tools can be downloaded and adapted to meet the needs of different contexts
The toolkit is designed to assist organisations, and especially volunteers, providing language support for adult refugees. Throughout the toolkit “refugee” is understood in a broad sense and includes asylum seekers as well as refugees.

Plateforme de ressources et de références pour l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle 


The Platform is an instrument enabling member states to develop their programmes relating to languages of schooling and all language teaching while also benefitting from their own experience and expertise.
It offers an open and dynamic resource, with systems of definitions, points of reference, descriptions and descriptors, studies and good practices which member states are invited to consult and use in support of their policy to promote equal access to quality education according to their needs, resources and educational culture.

Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters 

The Autobiography is a resource designed to encourage people to think about and learn from intercultural encounters they have had either face to face or through visual media such as television, magazines, films, the Internet, etc.

Campaign “Free to Speak, Safe to Learn” Democratic Schools for All 


The campaign wishes to give voice to teachers, students, school leaders, and parents across Europe and make known the work they do to develop democratic and inclusive schools.