Back GLACY+: Supporting national delivery of an introductory course on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Benin

GLACY+:  Supporting national delivery of an introductory course on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Benin

From 30 August to 2 September, a group of judges and prosecutors from Benin, who had been trained to become national trainers during a dedicated workshop earlier in August, delivered for the first time an introductory course on cybercrime and electronic evidence to their peers.

During the first two days, the national trainers finalised the adaption of the Council of Europe teaching materials to the national context in Benin, and discussed how to ensure the content of the training and supporting materials are kept up to date. In addition, they rehearsed the delivery of the training and practiced teaching methods and techniques needed to carry out this type of activity, with the support of the Council of Europe expert.

The second two days were dedicated to the delivery of the introductory course, which covered the core substantive, procedural and international cooperation provisions of the Budapest Convention and national legislation. Participants also had the chance to visit a forensic laboratory and to discuss on the treatment of electronic evidence.

The activity was part of a dedicated series of workshops organised by the GLACY+ project, in cooperation with the OCWAR-C project, aiming to create specialised teams of national judicial trainers on cybercrime and electronic evidence in the ECOWAS region.

Useful resources:

 GLACY+: Introductory Training Course on Cybercrime for Judges and Prosecutors from ECOWAS French speaking countries, 12-15 July 2021

 GLACY+: Training of trainers on cybercrime and electronic evidence delivered in Benin, 16-19 August 2022

 GLACY+ project webpage

 OCWAR-C webpage

Cotonou, BENIN 2 septembre 2022
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