Back The CPT visited Greece, Austria and Lithuania to examine persons deprived of their liberty, including migrants

The CPT visited Greece, Austria and Lithuania to examine persons deprived of their liberty, including migrants

From 10 to 20 December 2021, a delegation of the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) carried out a periodic visit to Lithuania to examine the treatment and conditions of detention of persons held in police and prison establishments as well as of foreign nationals detained under aliens legislation. The delegation visited three detention centres for foreigners: the Kybartai Foreigners Registration Centre, the Medininkai Foreigners Registration Centre and the Pabrade Foreigners Registration Centre.

From 23 November to 3 December 2021, a CPT delegation carried out a periodic visit to Austria to examine the treatment and conditions of detention of persons held in several prisons. The delegation examined also the treatment and safeguards afforded to persons held in police custody and in detention pending deportation.

From 22 November to 1 December 2021, a CPT delegation carried out an ad hoc visit to Greece. The main objective of the visit was to examine the treatment of prisoners and to review the progress made by the authorities in implementing the Committee’s recommendations made over the past 10 years. During the visit, the delegation also had consultations with the Minister for Immigration and Asylum, Panagiotis Mitarachi, on the development of the new “closed controlled access centres”, the treatment of unaccompanied migrant minors and the establishment of an independent border monitoring mechanism.

At the end of each visit, the delegation presented its preliminary observations to the authorities, and the CPT will issue reports with its recommendations to the member states respectively in due time.

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