Project Description

The project aims to foster long-term improvements in the quality of support for unaccompanied migrant children during their transition to adulthood at the European level, with a particular focus on Greece, Spain and the Netherlands. This will, inter alia, be achieved through the exchange of promising practices and the identification of practical solutions in the field.

The project addresses four key areas of particular importance for unaccompanied migrant children during the transition to adulthood:(a) psychological impact and support; (b) legal support and access to basic rights; (c) access to education and the labour market; (d) access to accommodation.

The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Council of Europe. It is coordinated by the Council of Europe and jointly implemented with Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum of GreeceSolidarityNow (Greece), Stichting Nidos (Netherlands) and Fundación Cepaim (Spain).

The partners will bring together multiple stakeholders working in the field to exchange good practices, develop publications and training materials, and deliver trainings. Public authorities, institutions, NGOs, international institutions and other actors will share experiences from around Europe to enhance know-how on specific challenges and identify practical solutions. A sustained dialogue across Europe that will contribute to a better understanding of good practices in supporting unaccompanied migrant children’s transition to adulthood, will be stimulated under the leadership of the Council of Europe and further supported by the partners in Greece, Spain and the Netherlands, with the direct involvement of other member States.

The project is running from January 2022 to June 2023.

Jointly implemented with:


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