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Back Cartoons to denounce the normalisation of violence against women.

Cartoons to denounce the normalisation of violence against women.

As part of its project "We for Diversity and Equality", female cartoonists teamed up with the North-South Centre to denounce the many forms of violence against women that are still as considered as “normal”, due to harmful social norms and stereotypes.

Despite long-standing efforts to condemn and denounce violence against women, society continues to normalise it. The normalisation of violence against women refers to ideas and actions supporting, leading and maintaining such violence, which is perceived as 'normal' and becomes taken-for-granted or 'natural' in everyday life. This not only hinders identification, but, even when violence is identified, it frequently results in victim-blaming and silence. Maintained by personal, family, and social sexist values in mostly patriarchal societies, the normalisation of violence is a vicious cycle, which can only be stopped through awareness and education defying sexism and gender stereotypes.

At the occasion of the 2020 International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, cartoonists from different parts of the globe shared their own vision of the normalisation of violence through drawings that have been shared on social medias. You can access the whole exhibition and discover the cartoonists here

To speak out against the normalisation of violence, we invite you to post in your social media under the hashtag #ItsNotNormal stories or initiatives that help others to identify normalised forms of violence.

 You can also join our team of artists and share with us your own drawing by email: [email protected]

 To go further defying sexism, check out the Council of Europe campaign “Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it

 To know more about the Council of Europe action to combat violence against women and domestic violence and the Istanbul Convention, click here

Lisbon 25/01/2020
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The Women Empowerment (WE) programme leads awareness raising, capacity building and networking activities to build effective regional cooperation between the relevant stakeholders to advance gender equality and women’s rights in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

The WE Programme aims at empowering women by promoting a common understanding and unanimous condemnation of all forms of discrimination against women and girls within two projects:

WE against gender-based violence

In the framework of the South Programme IV “Regional Support to Reinforce Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean”, Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation for the Protection of Women and Girls against Violence project aims to improve protection mechanisms of women and girls victims/survivors of gender-based violence in the Southern Mediterranean region.


 Visit the webpage

WE for diversity and equality

WE for diversity and equality project is addressing the intersectional forms of discrimination against women and girls to promote the cultural and identity diversity of women.

Visit the campaign webpage

Women's voices at the heart of our awareness actions


The North-South Centre raises awareness on obstacles and barriers, whether dictated by social norms or legal frameworks, which stand between survivors of sexual violence and access to justice. To promote a non-stereotyped view and to encourage the public opinion to support survivors of violence the North-South Centre created « Listen to us ». The video Listen to Us is the result of collaboration between the North-South Centre and youth artists from Algeria and Jordan. Houss Ine, member of the project SKIMI Radio in Algeria and creator the soundtrack, and the filmmaker Maysoon, creator of the Falak project in Jordan, were responsible for the creative direction of the video inspired by real stories and testimonies of survivors of sexual violence. The narrative was conceived with the support of young activists from Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine* and Portugal. 

 "Listen to us"






Intersectionality transforms our realities