Migration and Human Rights were the focus of the XXII edition of the Lisbon Forum, on 24-25 November at the Ismaili Centre of Aga Kahn Development Network (AKDN).

The event counted relied on the support of the South Programme II gathered 200 high representatives of governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities and civil society organisations, from both shores of the Mediterranean and promoted collaboration between countries of origin, transit and destination of migrants.

Lora Pappa, founder of the Greek ONG METAdrasi and laureate of the 2015 North-South Prize chaired the XXII edition of the Lisbon Forum. The XXII Lisbon Forum addressed global flows and local responses, access to human rights and successful integration, discuss emergency needs and long-term solutions and enhance capacities for dialogue between involved countries.

A constructive exchange of experience, good practice and expertise led to specific actions to promote in 2017. Through the specific role performed by the actors at the frontline of the management of the migration crisis, the Forum resulted in the adoption of operational recommendations directed to all quadrilogue actors with specific actions to promote advocacy and support for access to rights for displaced people in countries of origin, transit and destination.

As a side event, during the Lisbon Forum 2016, the North-South Centre held the roundtable: ‘Women Refugees, Migrants and Asylum seekers in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean’. It also produced recommendations.