Back Call for participants: 8th Global Education Training Course for Youth Multipliers

Call for participants: 8th Global Education Training Course for Youth Multipliers

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe has opened a call for participants for the 8th Global Education Training Course for Youth Multipliers. The new edition for the course it will take place in Cascais (Portugal) from 16-21 April 2018, in the framework of Cascais 2018 European Youth Capital.


The training course promoted in the framework of the iLegend project aims at empowering representatives of youth organisations and youth multipliers with a series of competences and tools to promote Global Development Education and to further develop their work on human rights, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship following the North-South Centre Global Education guidelines.

In this new edition, the course will explore Global Education in its “glocal” approach and it will provide specific insights on the media literacy dimension in order to empower participants with new tools and knowledge to play a greater change-making role in their communities within the current global interconnected context.        

By focusing on these new elements, the North-South Centre intends to raise awareness about the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the role that young people and youth organisations have in implementing, monitoring and evaluating the UN sustainable development goals in their local communities.

The course will gather 30 representatives of youth organisation/platform or youth-related institutions from Council of Europe Member States and the Southern Mediterranean countries.

After the conclusion of the course the participants will act as youth multipliers by developing follow-up initiatives with the support of their sending organization.

Applications for the course are open until 26 of March 2018 through the submission of the online application form.

For more information, please read carefully the call for participants.

online application form

call for participants


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