Capital of Greece’s Western region, Patras is also the principal port looking towards the Ionian islands and Italy.

Founded in the 3rd millennium BC, Patras flourished during the Mycenaean and especially the Roman periods, up until the 9th century AD. From the 13th century, it belonged to the Franks, to the Byzantines, to the Venetians and at other times, to the Turks.

Patras developed rapidly after liberation from the Turks in 1821, and thanks to the increasing commerce it enjoyed as a port city. Everywhere beautiful neo-classical buildings still embellish this city whose roads lead to the sea, making a strong and picturesque impression. Artistic and spiritual life remains very intense today. Gradually, heavy industry has also developed, increasing the population. Today, Patras is one of the most influential cities in Greece, with its port continuing to play the important role it has always held throughout its long history.

Population diversity
Patras is a city in Greece. It has a population of 222,460. The majority group makes up 90% of the city’s inhabitants. The ethnic composition of Greece foreign population in descending order comprises: 64.91% Albanians; 6.53% Bulgarians; 4.52% Romanian; and 3.17% Pakistani. 65% of the city's total population are foreign-born.
Profile and activities
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Back The Patras Carnival

Celebrating and shaping a common cultural heritage through openness, creativity and innovation.

The Patras Carnival goes back more than 180 years ago and has evolved tremendously due to the different cultural influences from Patras, Eastern Italy and the Ionian Islands. Based on openness, creativity and innovation, culture is here constantly in a process of transformation, merging various cultural elements and adapting to current societal topics. The carnival takes place every year, starting on the 17th January and lasting till the beginning of March, ending on “Clean Monday”. Throughout these weeks a variety of activities and celebrations are held, such as parades and dances, exhibitions and creative contests as well as a “Carnival of Children” held on the second to last weekend. The parades specifically address current societal issues, while the costumes and chariots are designed and created to reflect these issues. Each parade has a specific theme, such as equality, discrimination, human rights, migration or unemployment. Anyone can take part and form a carnival group with the opportunity to take part in a contest and winning an “honored award” in the closing ceremony. The groups may create their own chariots, although these are usually designed and created by the “Patras Carnival Laboratory”. The carnival is organized by the Municipality of Patras, specifically by the “Patras Carnival Municipal Enterprise”, but the carnival groups themselves play a large role in the organization and preparation of the events. Each year it is evaluated by a committee, taking suggestions and making recommendations for the next year.

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