Capital of Greece’s Western region, Patras is also the principal port looking towards the Ionian islands and Italy.

Founded in the 3rd millennium BC, Patras flourished during the Mycenaean and especially the Roman periods, up until the 9th century AD. From the 13th century, it belonged to the Franks, to the Byzantines, to the Venetians and at other times, to the Turks.

Patras developed rapidly after liberation from the Turks in 1821, and thanks to the increasing commerce it enjoyed as a port city. Everywhere beautiful neo-classical buildings still embellish this city whose roads lead to the sea, making a strong and picturesque impression. Artistic and spiritual life remains very intense today. Gradually, heavy industry has also developed, increasing the population. Today, Patras is one of the most influential cities in Greece, with its port continuing to play the important role it has always held throughout its long history.

Population diversity
Patras is a city in Greece. It has a population of 222,460. The majority group makes up 90% of the city’s inhabitants. The ethnic composition of Greece foreign population in descending order comprises: 64.91% Albanians; 6.53% Bulgarians; 4.52% Romanian; and 3.17% Pakistani. 65% of the city's total population are foreign-born.
Profile and activities
Good practice

Back Equal provision of support services to ALL vulnerable groups

Purpose:  The purpose is to provide support services to all vulnerable groups within Patras' population, promoting equality and respect for human rights and needs. The focus is on covering basic human rights, offering food and shelter, counselling, and communication actions without discrimination to those in need, including migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Roma people, and the local population. Additionally, the organisation aims to facilitate access to welfare benefits and social programs through the "Community Centre-CC" and recently established "Roma branch."

Stimulus/Rationale: The municipality, through KODIP, acknowledges its obligation to assist those facing hardships and displacement, ensuring that they have access to basic necessities and support. This commitment aligns with legal and ethical obligations to uphold human rights and protect the well-being of marginalized communities. By catering to migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Roma people, and the local population in need, the municipality seeks to foster social inclusion and integration, bridging the gaps that can often lead to marginalization. The availability of funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) presents an opportunity for sustainable support and expansion of these services. Moreover, the ongoing challenges posed by global crises, such as the coronavirus pandemic, underscore the urgency of aiding vulnerable groups in times of distress. Through the establishment of various units and the "Community Centre-CC" with a specialized "Roma branch," the municipality aimed to create a comprehensive approach to address the diverse needs of these vulnerable populations, enhancing their overall well-being and promoting a more equitable and inclusive society.

Process: The Process of providing support services to vulnerable groups within Patras' population and promoting equality and respect for human rights and needs involves a well-structured and organised approach. It begins with the establishment of the Social Organisation of the Municipality of Patras (KODIP), which serves as the primary entity responsible for coordinating and delivering these services.

KODIP operates specific units, such as the "Unit for the Provision of Basic Goods," the "Shelter," and the "Open Day Centre." These units are designed to cater to the essential needs of vulnerable individuals, including providing food, shelter, counselling, and communication actions. Importantly, equal treatment is ensured for all beneficiaries, without any form of discrimination.

The main beneficiaries encompass migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Roma people, and the local population facing hardships. For homeless individuals, the "Street team" acts on the spot, offering immediate support. Integration efforts are also in place to address the specific needs of different vulnerable groups.

Additionally, the "Community Centre-CC" plays a crucial role in the process. It establishes a network of reference points to assist vulnerable individuals in accessing welfare benefits and social programs, fostering social inclusion. The recently established "Roma branch" within the Community Centre has a particular focus on on-site services, deploying a mobile unit to assist individuals in camps around Patras. Furthermore, the intercultural mediator of the Centre is essential in enhancing the whole process, ensuring effective communication and understanding between the organisation and the diverse groups it serves. Collaborating with local stakeholders in areas such as education, justice, health, and culture enables a holistic approach to integration efforts.

Impact: The impact of providing support services to vulnerable groups within Patras' population and promoting equality and respect for human rights and needs has been significant. Through the efforts of the Social Organisation of the Municipality of Patras (KODIP) and its various units, many individuals from marginalized communities, including migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Roma people, and the local population in need, have received essential aid, such as food, shelter, counselling, and social support. This has contributed to improved living conditions and enhanced well-being for those who were previously facing hardships and displacement. The establishment of the "Community Centre-CC" and the specialized "Roma branch" has facilitated access to welfare benefits and social programs, promoting social inclusion and integration for these vulnerable groups. The dedication to equal treatment without discrimination has fostered a sense of dignity and respect among beneficiaries.

Key reference documents: KODIP - Department for Vulnerable Groups

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