Back Conference on Media education in Azerbaijani universities in Baku

Conference on Media education in Azerbaijani universities in Baku

A conference on Media education in Azerbaijani universities within the PGG Joint EU/CoE Project on Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom in Azerbaijan took place on 7 December 2017 in Baku. The conference was organized in close cooperation with the Azerbaijani Press Council and Journalism faculty of Baku State University. The main aim of the conference was to promote media education and to give the floor to open discussions on challenges and perspectives of media education in Azerbaijan.

The conference was split into three thematic sessions and was concluded by a separate questions-and-answers session. The first session was devoted to Azerbaijani media education: achievements, challenges and perspectives. The deans of three journalism faculties at Baku State University, Azerbaijan University of Languages and Baku Slavic University made their presentations and raised the main issues of the topic. The second session was focused on deliverables produced by the PGG Project on Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom in Azerbaijan to contribute to media education in Azerbaijan. The members of the team working on developments of curricula and textbooks made presentations on the development of curricula on Journalism ethics and Media and freedom of expression and textbooks on New Media, TV Journalism, Photo Journalism and Radio Journalism and also raised the issues  on new attitudes to media education and the role of freedom of expression in media education. The third session was devoted to European experiences on media education. International media experts from Turkey and Norway talked about the experience of their respective countries in media education.

About  70 representatives of state authorities (Presidential Administration and Ministry of Education), academia, members of the Press Council, media professionals and civil society participated in the conference and took an active part in discussions. The textbooks and curricula developed within the Project were distributed among participants.

Media coverage of the conference

Baku 8 December 2017
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Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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