Artificial intelligence – Intelligent politics
Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy
Interview with Nikos Nouris, Minister of the Interior, Republic of Cyprus
Interview with Kyriacos Kokkinos, Deputy Minister to the President for Research Innovation and Digital Policy, Cyprus
Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights
iHuman movie trailer

AI in the audiovisual sector in light of the latest market and legal developments

  • Susanne Nikoltchev, Executive Director, European Audiovisual Observatory
  • Maja Cappello, Head of Department for Legal Information
  • Gilles Fontaine, Head of Department for Market Information
Interview with Natali Helberger, Chair of the Committee of Experts on Freedom of expression and Digital Technologies (MSI-DIG), Professor of Law and Digital Technology, University of Amsterdam
Interview with Maria Donde, Chair of the Committee of experts on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF), Head of International Content policy, Office of Communication (OFCOM)