In the context of its Internet Governance Strategies (2012-2019) and beyond, the Council of Europe has provided its member States and partners, as well as other stakeholders, with solid references for the implementation of its standards in the digital environment. This agenda will guide a resolute implementation of the Council of Europe Strategic Framework 2022-2025 in the digital environment. The forty-one priority actions identified boil down to three main, Organisation-wide objectives:

  • Consolidating the existing digital regulation by supporting the implementation of Council of Europe standards to have a coherent set of effective legal mechanisms to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the digital environment;
  • Responding to new challenges raised and taking advantage of the opportunities provided by emerging digital technologies by developing new legal instruments, and/or adapting and updating existing ones as appropriate, to help member States meet present and future challenges raised by the digital transition and to do so in line with Council of Europe standards;
  • Accompanying member States for a digital transition with European values based on Council of Europe standards, through monitoring and co-operation activities.

Previous Strategies:

The Internet Governance Strategy for 2016-2019

Final report of the Secretary General on the Internet Governance (2016-2019)

Mid-term report of the Secretary General on the Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019

Implementation Table: Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2017 Progress in implementation of actions and activities

Final report of the Secretary General on the Internet Governance (2012-2015)

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Back Council of Europe Thematic coordinator for the Information Policy meets the ITU Secretary General

Council of Europe Thematic coordinator for the Information Policy meets the ITU Secretary General

The Council's Internet Governance Strategy aims at creating partnerships with key stakeholders for the promotion of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the digital world. It mentions the ITU explicitly in para 15.d.
In his capacity of Thematic Coordinator for the Information Policy at the Council of Europe, Belgian Permanent Representative Dirk Van Eeckhout met the ITU Secretary General Mr. Houlin ZHAO in Geneva. A first step in building synergies between the Council of Europe and the ITU.

The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is one of the United Nations' agencies involved in the follow-up and implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS +10 review)

Geneva 10/05/2016
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