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Video message: Media pluralism in the digital environment

An international conference on the implementation of the Council of Europe instruments and standards in the field of media and information, organised by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Serbia in partnership with the Council of Europe took place on 24 May 2019 in Belgrade, marking Council of Europe’s 70th anniversary.

Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Council of Europe’s Information Society Department, addressed the Conference through a video message. Promoting the values of media pluralism, as enshrined in numerous instruments of the Council of Europe, he underlined the importance of diversity being reflected in a range of independent media channels and outlets. He furthermore reminded participants of a positive obligation of member states to adopt legislative and regulatory frameworks that guarantee effective pluralism and the Council of Europe continuous efforts in refining these standards and providing support.

Last year the Council’s Committee of Ministers adopted an updated instrument - Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)1 on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership, which offers states and media stakeholders guidelines on the goals and means for achieving diversity of sources and information.

Belgrade 24 May 2019
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