Back JUFREX Interprofessional seminar for the representatives of judiciary and the media in BiH: Ethical reporting on judiciary and investigations

JUFREX Interprofessional seminar for the representatives of judiciary and the media in BiH: Ethical reporting on judiciary and investigations

Protection of integrity of judiciary institutions and their independence, through the promotion of media reporting during the court processes and prosecution investigations; improvement of cooperation, relationships and transparency between journalists and the media and the judiciary institutions and spokespersons; advancement of understanding of freedom of expression and the presumptions of innocence; disclosure of confidential information; and improvement of understanding of the right of journalists to access information in judiciary institutions, as well as limitations and rules to external communication of judiciary institutions, are some of the most important topics of the seminar for the representatives of the judiciary and the media, organized within the framework of the joint EU/CoE project “Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX)”, together with Association of BiH Journalists (''BH Novinari'').

How to reconcile the demands of the two professions; journalists' to get the information as soon as possible, in order to timely inform the public, and the judiciary's to protect the secrecy and the integrity of judiciary investigations and procedures, is the question discussed among the representatives, mainly the spokespersons of judiciary institutions and journalists present at the event. All agree that this complex problem is even more complex in BiH, due to the uneven practices in institutions at different levels and in different parts of BiH. Neither all judiciary institutions have a communications strategy, nor all the journalists always do their jobs in the professional manner. That is why these seminars and discussions of the specific cases are important, in order to unify the practice and to improve the cooperation and promote the public interest.

International media expert Marc Gruber also spoke at the event about ethical media reporting about the judiciary and the court processes, from the European perspective.

This event has been implemented with the financial support of the EU and the Council of Europe. Attitudes and opinions presented do not necessarily reflect official attitudes of the European Union.

Međugorje, BiH 29-30 October 2018
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Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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